Case Study

Driving Growth Through Market Research


Companies consistently assess customers, competitors, products, and strategies for a competitive edge. Speculating about target audiences in a conference room can be unreliable.

Market research is crucial—it adds focus, relevance, and validates assumptions, enabling better decisions and risk mitigation. AgCall offers an affordable, rapid market research platform scalable from small to larger initiatives.

The Challenges

  • Constant evaluation of customers, competitors, products/brands, and strategies poses challenges.
  • Speculating in a conference room about the target audience is common but may lack accuracy.
  • Market research is crucial to add focus and relevance to marketing efforts.
  • Validates or challenges assumptions from internal discussions for better decision-making.
  • Traditional market research can be expensive and time-consuming.
  • AgCall offers an affordable, quick-turn platform for scalable market research initiatives.

The Goal

  • Validate or refute assumptions around topics such as: decision-making processes, key influencers, attitudes toward the client and its brands, what customers value in a manufacturer program (e.g. financing, rebates), and product usage patterns.
  • Strengthen the relationship between the client and its retail and grower customers by seeking their opinions.

The strategic recommendation from AgCall was to:

  • Recruit, hire and train an appropriate number of TeleSpecialists to successfully complete the target number of calls within the desired time frame
  • Develop a call script that will allow a conversational discussion around the information the client is looking to obtain
  • Utilize the AgCall TeleManager platform to collect customer data and survey responses from each individual contacted for the program
  • Assign a dedicated AgCall project manager to lead and coordinate the efforts of this team, provide frequent updates on progress and any initial observations or trends, and complete a final analysis and report on the complete findings from the program, including final data output and cleansed customer information
What we continue to offer
  • AgCall TeleSpecialists, seasoned in agriculture, work remotely using the AgCall TeleManager platform.
  • Associates operate from home, not affiliated with a call center.
  • Each program includes a "Secret Producer" auditing TeleSpecialist performance.
  • The audit ensures adherence to the script and maintains high standards for performance and quality conversations.

While each market research program has a unique set of stated objectives and deliverables, the results of these programs have been used by clients to:

  • Develop marketing, product stocking and incentive programs
  • Better understand decision-making processes and product stocking and selling cycles
  • Position new and existing products among various target audiences
  • Understand changing marketplace dynamics, grower practices, and customer needs
  • Improve relationships between the client and target audiences


Interested in what AgCall has to offer your business? Contact one of our Business Development Consultants today.

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